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WEB ADDRESS: http://Lincolnmeadowshomeowners.ORG
CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Dishong called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
GUESTS: Mr. Robert Frerichs – 6459 Boxelder Drive, Betty Ann VanDeventer 6455 Boxelder Drive, Carmen Vorderstrassee – 6463 Boxelder Drive.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The September 2017 minutes need to note the following corrections as stated by Mr. Frerichs. “Questions concerning the use of Association property by resident conducting a private business and the insurance liability that could result from said use. Mr. Dishong assured them that the bylaws permitted private businesses in residences and asked a Board Member to look into whether the Association could face costs related to liability issues. They (Mr. Frerichs and Ms. VanDeventer) also protested the unauthorized destruction of an Austrian pine tree that the Board has worked to preserved on association property by a neighboring homeowner. Also minutes listed Mrs. Frerichs asking permission but should be Ms. VanDeventer. A motion was made by Mr. Tremain and seconded by Mr. Rayburn to approve September 2017 minutes with above correction. Unanimously approved by board.
INSURANCE: Ms. Barnett was absent but sent an e mail previously that she had spoken with Shawn Hansen, State Farm Representative, regarding day care business in resident and insurance requirements for Lincoln Meadow homeowner. Mr. Dishong made a motion to contact Victor Covalt with question and opinion if children for day care are considered guest of resident and association which was seconded by Mr. Tremain and unanimously approved by board.
BY LAWS: No report in Ms. Barnett absence.
SECRETARY AND COMPLIANCE: Ms. Deveny did not have any issues to report.
TREASURER’S REPORT: No report in Mr. Christensen absence.
SEWER, LAWN, AND SPRINKLERS: Mr. Tremain had no report but a question regarding the drainage project. He and Mr. Howell will contact Mr. Park and have dirt smoothed down and get a bill for the cost of the work done on the drain in July 2017 which will need to be redone later as the 3” rain washed away the railroad ties installed.
LIGHTING AND STREETS: Mr. Rayburn had no report regarding the lighting and streets. He did have a vinyl side made for the parking on Lincoln Meadow streets but didn’t think this would withhold the outdoor weather. Mr. Dishong had an example of aluminum material sign with “No Parking - Lincoln Meadows’ Residents and Guests Only”. It was decided to have smaller sign attached stating unauthorized vehicles will be towed. He will order two signs at a cost of $26.95 each and purchase poles for installment at two entries.
MAIL BOX, SNOW REMOVAL, BUILDING MAINTENANCE, AND CONCRETE: Mr. Rahn was absent but does have a contract ready for snow removal which he will bring to the meeting next month.
TREES: Mr. Howell said he is at a hold status on trees and the stumps to remove until receives the bill for tree removal from last storm and to see what the budget is at this time.
BOARD RESIGNATION: Mr. Bruce Vorderstrasse resigned his position on the board at this meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: The fascia repair at 2401 Winding Way and soffit repair at 6401 Boxelder Drive should be completed in the next few days as company was sent wrong color for replacements. The men were working on replacing the gutters to larger 6” and scheduled to be completed this week. Mr. Dishong will talk with Mr. Christensen regarding the services of Balanced Bookkeeping for the association. He also had a cost to remove tree at 6111 Flint Ridge Road which will be divided between two associations of $350.00.
NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Dishong will send a letter to the resident questioning the policy for the deposit of the monthly association fees paid by residents. Currently, treasurer makes deposit of checks last working day of the month.
NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, November 14, 2017 at Mary Deveny home, 6405 Boxelder Drive beginning at 6:00 P.M. All residents welcome to attend.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Mr. Howell and seconded by Mr. Rayburn to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. Unanimously approved by board.
Mr. Dave Dishong, (18), President, (402-904-0963), dcdnspl@aol.com
Mr. Myron Tremain, (19), Sewer, Lawn, Sprinklers, (402-525-3817), mstremain1965@gmail.com
Ms. Mary Deveny, (19), Secretary, Compliance, (402-327-8826), mdeveny@neb.rr.com
Mr. Jerry Rayburn, (18), Lighting and Streets, (402-483-7717), gr1106z@sbcglobal.net
Mr. Robin Howell, (20), Trees, (402-525-8999), bampahowl@aol.com
Ms. Linda Barnett, (18), Vice President, Insurance, and By Laws (402-499-1698), lindadeanne@gmail.com
Mr. Paul Christensen, (19), Treasurer, (402-489-3504), pkchris@windstream.net
Mr. Daryl Rahn, (17), Mail Boxes, Snow Removal, Building Maintenance, and Concrete (402-
730-5625), Rahnsbest@aol.com
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Deveny